Toshiba Launchs Its First Freeview+ HD PVR

Toshiba is set to launch its first Freeview+ HD PVR for the mass market called the HDR5010. The device can store upto 500GB ie 120 hours of recorded HD content. Features are : dual HD tuners allowing you to watch one channel and record from another at the same time,2 usb connectivity ports, Ethernet, 3x HDMI and SCART. Its tagged £349 (about $546)

tags:- Toshiba , latest Toshiba,Toshiba features,Toshiba specifications,ToshibaFirst Freeview+ HD PVR,First Freeview+ HD PVR price,First Freeview+ HD PVR price and specifications,First Freeview+ HD PVR features, latest Toshiba First Freeview+ HD PVR