Companies Sagem Orga (group Safran) and Telefonica have announced plans to introduce a mobile broadcast SIMFi, which implies the integration of Wi-Fi module in the SIM card. According to these companies, many users using netbooks to access the Internet while driving, for authentication and access to HSPA networks they need USIM card. However, this system requires a number of special devices and software.
Instead it is proposed to make SIM card into a universal HSPA / Wi-Fi router. In the SIM card embedded WLAN modem, which uses the application SIM card, which allows for HSPA access Wi-Fi module notebook or netbook. Thus, a new generation SIM cards (so-called SIMFi) can be inserted in any mobile phone. In this case SIMFi will operate as a universal HSPA / Wi-Fi router, regardless of the functionality of the device.