Social bookmarks improve traffic to our blog, it is necessary that you make it more attractive and big.Follow these simple steps to display beautiful social bookmarking sites below every blogger posts.
* login to your dashboard
* Navigate to "Layout>>Edit HTML" from your dashboard
* expand your template, that is, make sure that you have a tick mark in that "Expand Widget Template"
* search using "CTRL+F" for the following line:

* After locating above lines, Copy the code given below, and paste it after above lines (found in your template)

* Now save your template and checkout!
Note :
1. Find twitter-id in the code and replace with your twitter user name.
Tags:-Add Social Bookmarking Icons Below Blogger Posts,social,bookmarking,Social Bookmarking,Icons,Add Social Bookmarking Icons,How to Add Social Bookmarking Icons,How to Add Social Bookmarking Icons belw every post,Social Bookmarking Icons Below Blogger Posts, blogger,blog,inrease blog traffic, increase google page rank, increase alexa rank, increse traffic.