Windows 7

Now all the talk about operating systems is being covered up by the widely accepted and well- accoladed Windows 7, which is all set to replace the windows-blunder Vista. Now Vista did have positive, can't deny that but it lacked the cohesiveness. Windows 7 have already been tested out by over a million users with the beta version being out through torrents and other file-sharing sites.Windows 7 has been rated by many as the ultimate OS and the near-perfect OS. It has also been called by Paul Thurrot as "sexy". Now with all these remarks there has to be something up this OS's sleeve.take a look at the desktopits simple enough with a single icon (recycle bin) on the desktop as usual and a transparent taskbar, though i must say the taskbar cud have been btr. More about it coming on.Windows 7 also has a little function that makes open windows transparent so that you can see the desktop as such along with the mouse movements.vb the window swao funstion has been tweaked to show full shot of the windowwe can also preview a minimised window by hovering mouse over itwhilevistaallowed us to minimse copy windows 7 goes on to give us the status of the minimised copy windowanotherattractivefeatureisthepicturegallery, the pic says it 7 is also reputed to be the most user friendly and secure OS to be out from windows.If you ask me, i say..... go get it.Tags:- Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Xp, OS